Boozy desserts

Boozy St. Patrick’s Day Desserts

Boozy St. Patrick’s Day Desserts

As you can imagine by my blog name, I'm a sucker for Boozy Desserts! St. Patrick's day is the perfect excuse (not that you need one) for baking boozy treats! These cupcakes, milkshakes, and brownies will make any St. Patty's Day party 1,000x better. Bailey's Irish...

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Bailey’s Irish Cream Scones

Bailey’s Irish Cream Scones

My love for Bailey's and scones have finally come together into one spectacular recipe... Adapted from  Rose Levy Beranbaum's basic scone recipe, these Bailey's Irish Cream scones are nothing short of perfection. (You can find this base recipe in her book The Bread...

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Peppermint Schnapps Hot Chocolate

Peppermint Schnapps Hot Chocolate

This Peppermint Schnapps hot chocolate recipe has me on a major hot chocolate kick this winter. If you love chocolate, peppermint, and booze I know you will become just as obsessed with this recipe! It may just be my favorite recipe thus far. What makes this...

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