What’s the only thing better than brownies?? Boozy brownies!! You all know how much I love adding booze to all my favorite recipes so here we go with some Bailey’s Irish Cream Brownies! I made some Irish Coffee Cupcakes with Bailey’s Frosting awhile back and now I’m obsessed with baking with Bailey’s! These brownies are insanely fudgy, chocolatey, and the best of all, they’re SO easy! 

What makes these Bailey’s Irish Cream Brownies so incredible? 

Box brownie mix: I usually bake everything from scratch, but honestly, I love box brownie mix…. It’s one of the only box mixes I think can taste just as good as homemade! Plus, who wants to buy pounds of chocolate and butter to make them at home when you can buy box mix for $2?? You can definitely use homemade brownies if you prefer! I recommend these

Bailey’s Irish Cream: The star of the show! You can use whichever Irish cream you have available. The Bailey’s gives these brownies and even fudgier texture by adding more moisture from the cream. It also adds a much boozier effect than you would expect. 😉 

Chocolate ganache: Ohhhhhh my goodness. If you’re a chocolate lover you will obsess over this Bailey’s chocolate ganache! It’s made just like regular ganache but replaces heavy cream with Bailey’s Irish cream. It is absolutely essential to tie this recipe together! 

Bailey's irish cream brownies

Tips for success

Use a whisk to mix your batter 

If you don’t have a whisk you can use a fork. This helps get out some of the clumps in your batter so you can get perfectly smooth brownies. 

Don’t overmix

Over mixing your brownies can incorporate too much air into the batter resulting in a lighter, fluffy brownie as opposed to the delicious fudgy and dense texture you want in a brownie. 

Don’t overdo it with the booze! 

Listen. I love extra boozy desserts even more than the next person, but this recipe is already pretty strong! Even I wouldn’t add any more booze to it. Adding too much Bailey’s can overpower all the other chocolatey buttery flavors in your brownies. I soak these brownies in 3 Tbs of Bailey’s and it’s more than enough. You can, however, reduce the amount of booze if you prefer a lighter alcohol taste. 

Let your brownies cool first!! 

I know it’s beyond tempting to dig into brownies as soon as they come out of the oven, but you NEED to let your brownies sit for at least an hour or two before you can cut into them. They need to be completely cool before you top them with ganache. Plus, if you try to cut into them while they’re still hot they will come out a complete mess! I promise you they are worth the wait. 


How can I tell when my brownies are done? 

I like to pull mine out of the oven after the edges start to crisp up. You can also jiggle the pan a little bit. If the center is still jiggling then they need more time in the oven. You can also check your brownies with a toothpick. If there is still runny batter on the toothpick, bake your brownies for another 5-10 minutes. If there are dense brownie crumbs on the toothpick, they are fine to take out of the oven. Remember that brownies will set after they’ve been baked so you don’t want your toothpick to be too clean. 

Bailey's irish cream brownies

More Boozy Recipes You’ll Love 

Irish Coffee Cupcakes with Bailey’s Frosting

The Most Irresistible Spiced Rum Cupcakes

Bailey’s Irish Cream Brownies

The most deliciously boozy and chocolatey brownies you'll ever eat!
Course: Dessert
Keyword: boozy desserts, Brownies, easy
Servings: 12


  • 1 Box Brownie mix Or homemade brownies
  • 285 g Semi-sweet chocolate chips 1 ½ cups
  • 4 oz Bailey's Irish cream ½ cup
  • 3 Tbs Bailey's Irish cream for soaking brownies


  • Prepare brownie mix as instructed on the box.
  • Let brownies cool completely. About 1-2 hours.
  • Measure out 3 Tbs of Irish cream and pour it over the brownies, making sure to get the edges too! Don’t worry if the cream settles on top. It will soak in eventually!

For the Ganache

  • Measure out your chocolate chips and place in a heat-proof bowl. Set aside.
  •  Heat up your Bailey’s in the microwave for 1 minute.
  • Pour the Bailey’s over the chocolate chips and mix until the chocolate is fully melted. If your chocolate isn’t melting, pop the bowl into the microwave for 15-20 seconds at a time until the chocolate is warm enough.
  • When the chocolate is completely melted, pour the ganache on the brownies immediately. Make sure your brownies are completely cool first!!
  • Place the brownies in the fridge for 20 minutes to let the ganache set before cutting into them.